I’m Moving to the Netherlands!

I have officially decided I’m moving to the Netherlands.

I started writing this post on my last full day in Haarlem before I went back to the US, but I just couldn’t finish it at the time because, truth be told, I was finding it very hard to write about a decision I had literally just made. Now that I’ve been home for a week and have absorbed the weight of the situation, I believe that I am ready to prepare to completely change my way of life.

Visting Haarlem for a month was a great experience for me. It was my first time out of the country, and it really opened my eyes to the many possibilities life could offer me if I just moved out of my comfort zone. Although I apparently went at a bad time of year (note to anyone visiting the Netherlands, October is one of their worst months) I still had a lot of fun. There’s so much to explore in the Netherlands and I barely scratched the surface. I’m ready to dive in and explore Dutch culture!

I’m excited, scared, and feel very unprepared for this move, but now is the best time in my life to do so. I am a young woman who has recently graduated from college, therefore I have few commitments in the US (besides, of course, my lovely family!). It should, in theory, be fairly easy for me to make the move…..fingers crossed?

I will be documenting my move here on my blog as often as I can, so stay tuned! If anyone has any advice for me as I go through this process, feel free to comment on this post, or email me at alp56100@gmail.com with your information and ideas. I need all the help I can get!

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